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We want to tell you why we are so passionate about this work and why we love sharing this music with you more then anything in the world. For us these concerts are an experience of oneness, love and meditation. It's a satsang, a meeting in truth, wakefulness and bliss. These states are our birthright. The more we experience it the easier we manifest a reality of peace and ecstasy.

What is more important these days than opening our hearts together? What has more value than the experience that we are one spirit, one infinite being? In our divided, war deranged reality of today, this meeting in sound, song, silence and prayer creates a state of oneness which is amplified when we unite as a collective.

'Power of Chant' brings together many of the yoga schools of West Australia for the final event of the year presenting the Bhakti practice. Bhakti is a Sanskrit word meaning the power of love, the practice of devotion.

We would like to quote our beloved teacher and friend Gregor Maehle from 8 limbs yoga and author of arguably the most informative yoga books of the decade. This message is taken from his latest publication entitled 'Samadhi' and is something we deeply believe to be the essence of our lifes work :

He says : " Not only can we return to the pristine state of Samadhi (divine bliss) but we must". "It is our duty and our moral obligation to seek out and rediscover our inherent wisdom. Our very existence and that of our modern society depends on it. The conflict and crisis we are manifesting globally are a reflection of the conflicts festering within us. As long as we have not come to a state of self love, inner peace, self worth and self acceptance society will continue to mirror these back to us."

See you all on Saturday

Please keep sharing throughout the next few days. Early bird is still available online. Let's Rock !

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